This quirky little website is about me—a commonplace object—that you likely encounter daily. What is dismissed as commonplace—even mundane—often can be quite remarkable.

Life as a dot promotes a simple exercise in search and discovery that can lead to a new appreciation for objects that frequently are dismissed as inconsequential.

Join me for a virtual expedition, exploring my many roles as a dot across this world and beyond. The intent is to fuel curiosity and to provide entertainment. Learn about my versatility and diversity and expect to be surprised by Life as a dot.

Some information about me...

Before we begin a road trip and dig into some minutia about my existence, I thought I'd build a foundation for you. Below are some basic details about me.

My size can change.

My size can change

I can be any color.

I can be any color

I can be a texture or a pattern.

I can be any texture or pattern

I can blend with others.

I can be any combination

Road trip...let's go

Check your tires, grab some water, turn off the cell phone, and let's start a roadtrip to discover the different venues in which I have a role. Make sure if you're the lead that all of your followers are adequately equipped and are ready for the journey.