Visit San Diego Zoo to identify the animals pictured in the banner.

What's behind the curtain?

Like many people during this pandemic, I've wrestled with how to help others. Finally I came up with the idea of creating a webpage and posting the contents of What's behind the curtain? Book 2, for everyone. I'm neither an artist nor a marketeer, but it's my hope that each verse will inspire people of all ages to tap their creative energy and draw what they see.

What's behind the curtain?

Fun galore!

Let's take a peek so we can see
what's behind the curtain
for you and for me.

What's behind the curtain?

Monkeys playing tambourines,
lions eating bowls of peas,
or giraffes snacking on curds of cheese?

What's behind the curtain?

A fiddle played by a baby skunk,
a guitar strummed by an elephant,
a banjo picked by a great big moose,
or a piano played by a very white goose?

What's behind the curtain?

A zebra sitting on a three-legged chair,
dining on Swiss cheese,
and a small green pear?

What's behind the curtain?

An antelope practicing his ABCs,
a deer counting out 1, 2, 3,
or a reindeer studying geology?

What's behind the curtain?

A mole in a hard hat digging a ditch,
or a crab in a ball cap practicing his pitch?

What's behind the curtain?

Squirrels in tuxedos, skating on ice,
groundhogs tap dancing (isn't that nice),
or possums at a wedding feasting on rice?

What's behind the curtain?

Walruses break dancing under the moon,
sea otters gliding across white sand dunes,
or beavers singing a happy tune?

What's behind the curtain?

It's anything you want it to be.

What's behind the curtain?

Surprise! It's you and it's me.